Prof. Dr. Carl. H. Hahn: Saxon automotive pioneer is celebrating his 90th birthday
community4you AG is congratulating the name giver of „Villa Hahn“.
The European industry manager Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn - born in Chemnitz, Saxony - who decisively characterised in an unprecedented career the extremely successful development of the automotive industry celebrates his 90th birthday on the 1st of July 2016. With strong passion the former Volkswagen AG chairman supported his home region after reunification and was actively involved in the establishment of Chemnitz and Zwickau as Volkswagen production sites. Thanks to his efforts Volkswagen has become the largest investor in East Germany - due to that alone 50,000 jobs were created in the Free State of Saxony. Hahn’s name does not only has a very good reputation in the automotive sector. The honorary citizen of Chemnitz, Wolfsburg, Zwickau und Changchun has been committed to this day in numerous political, social and cultural organisations and in the Carl-and Marissa Hahn-Foundation established by him.
Name giver of „Villa Hahn“
The villa located in the Chemnitz district Kappel, where Carl H. Hahn spent a large part of his childhood and youth, is where the attractive headquarter of community4you AG is located to this day. The manufacturer of business software for fleet- and leasing management restored the listed villa lavishly and faithfully.

On 2 April 2008 the building received in a solemn ceremony the honourable name "Villa Hahn", named after the European Industry Manager Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn.
Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn has helped as automotive manager for half a century to shape the history of Volkswagen's largest automotive group in the world and is thus a pioneer of globalisation.
Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn has helped as automotive manager for half a century to shape the history of Volkswagen's largest automotive group in the world and is thus a pioneer of globalisation.

Ceremonial unveiling of a portrait bust
The Saxon industrial pioneer stayed always in contact with the current owner of the “Villa Hahn”. He visited community4you AG several times in the house of his childhood and youth. A special highlight was held with the ceremonial unveiling of a portrait bust of Prof. Dr. Carl Hahn on June 24, 2014. With this act community4you AG honoured, only one week before his 88th birthday, the impressive life´s work of Carl Hahn.

Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn was powerfully impacted about this surprising honour and the elaborate artwork. Today the bust takes place in a prestigious place in “Villa Hahn”.

We congratulate Carl Hahn from the bottom of our heart on his 90th birthday and wish him especially strong health and all the best for the future. Prof. Dr. Carl H. Hahn was during his career a powerful engine for economic progress and he is actively committed for our society. His magnificent life´s work is for us motivation and incentive at the same time. That our head office bears his name fills us with great pride. The declared target of our company is to further promote the development of our products. Further development of software products based on the latest technologies and continuation of our global course of expansion will be the focus in the next years.